Points | Description |
Color | The distinct colored bodies of these Siamese kittens let you recognize them easily. The dark hue of their ears, feet, and tails comes in a range of brown, chocolate, blue-gray, and lilac. The light-colored body has ivory, cream, and glacial white that contrasts with the point colors. |
Body Type | The Siamese cats are found in two kinds, modern show and traditional. The show type seems to be modern artwork because of its lines and angles. Its tubular structure, slender legs, triangular ears, and tail separates it from the other. The traditional ones are also known as apple-headed because of their round head and chunky built. One thing that both types have in common is blue eyes that lend them a pleasant personality. Modern Siamese were bred to have extremely elongated, lean, tubular bodies with long and slender legs. Also, the tails were long and thin with pointed long, wedge-shaped heads topped with wide and large ears. |
Height | The male Siamese Cats stand 29 to 31 cm tall while the female ones stand tall between 27 and 31 cm. |
Weight | The male Siamese Cats weigh around 4 to 6 kg while the female ones weigh about 2.5 to 4.5 kg. |
Distinct Feature | The cats of this breed are born with white fur but start developing their pointed coloration when they are just four weeks old. And these colorations are generally around their faces, ears, tails and feet. They are very playful in nature because of their happy-go-lucky behavior and can be great pets for families with children. |
Vaccinations | Siamese are given combo vaccination that covers almost all the diseases in a single injection. FVRCP, Feline Leukemia, Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), and Rabies are some of the commonly used vaccines for keeping your kitties safe from harmful diseases. Proper vaccinations ensures healthy kitten. We provide vaccinations when you buy a Siamese kitten online from us. |
Temperament | Siamese cats are the most lovable and sociable cats you can ever think of. They are quite famous for their vocal antics and don’t mind expressing their love for you. They love to follow you everywhere and even snuggle you while you are sleeping. They are very playful in nature because of their happy-go-lucky behavior and can be great pets for families with children. Although these cats are intelligent, social, and talkative, these cats come with a deep and loud voice so that you enjoy chatting with them. Many times, they are described as dog-like because of their love for playing fetch and abundant affection. |
Food | After indulging in one day of overeating, the Siamese show come up with a potbelly. As a new pet parent you have 100 questions in mind on what to do. We are here to guide you after you buy a Siamese cat for sale. It is essential to control their nutrition carefully. Also, their long and slim legs are not adapted to hold a fat body. |
Funfact | For quiet hundreds of years ago, these luxurious cats were treasured by Thailand royal families for their distinctive color scheme, unusual body shape, and mesmerizing appearance. Also, these cats were believed to receive their owner’s souls after their death. The breed has been into the spotlight with some of the favorite family movies such as “Lady and the Tramp”, “The Incredible Journey,” and “The Aristocats”. |
Toys | This skilled breed is good at learning new tricks like playing with puzzle toys, following the clicker, tossing a small ball, playing fetch, or running at a course. Since they love jumping to heights, it’s needed that you provide your kitten with a perch or cat tree that would keep them engaged. |