With numerous differences in the looks and other features, Persians are very distinct from the Exotic shorthair. Although both of these kitties appear to be exactly same at first, but both have variety of differences in terms of appearance, birth, fur texture, and other specifics.
Persians are the ancestors to Exotics and that is why they share some traits when it comes to coat. But, Persian cats have long and furry coat in comparison to the Exotics who come with short haired fur but share similar texture. However, the Exotic’s coat requires very less grooming time and maintenance when compared to Persian cat.
Not just the coat, both the cat breeds differ a lot when talking about proactivity. Exotic cat breed is comparatively more active whereas its Persian counterpart is bit lazier and laid back. This can be because the Exotics inherit their behavior from the American shorthair which is believed to be very active.
Persian cats are quite talkative and extremely vocal in comparison to the quiet Exotic cats. Persians can be heard meowing all day long, on the other hand, the exotics would not even interact much when not needed. Talking about body structure and type, Exotic shorthair cats weighs comparatively more than the Persian cat breed. Also, as a matter of fact, a male shorthair cat usually grows big enough and can weigh from 5 to 7 kgs
Now when you have come across all the differences that Persian cat and the Exotic shorthair has, you can select which one’s best one for you. If you are on a hunt for exotic shorthair for sale especially the one that needs low maintenance, then the Exotic is the one to go for. Whereas, if you are fond of vocal and talkative cat breed, then you Persians will e the wise choice.